# Overview

The middleware has one function and one main function: does the user requesting a certain API endpoint have access to it?

So how do we set it up?

# hasAccess

Let's look to the API route created with the chinchay new command:

  router.get('/api/coffee/find', (req, res, next) => {
    coffeeController.find(req, res, next);

You just need to add the following:

  router.get('/api/coffee/find', Middleware.hasAccess, (req, res, next) => {
    coffeeController.find(req, res, next);

Note you must have imported the Middleware first:

  const { Middleware } = require('chinchay');

So before actually running the controller function, the Middleware.hasAccess will run, checking that the Bearer token is present, valid and that the user can access it. Only then the controller function will run, otherwise it will reject the connection with a 401 code.

# Configuring: prerouting and postrouting

Very important! For it to work, you must define that the app must use the middleware prerouting and the middleware postrouting, as such:

  var coffee = require('./routes/coffee');
  var coffeeAPI = require('./routes/coffeeAPI');
  app.use('/', coffee);
  app.use('/', coffeeAPI);


The prerouting must be before the app.use(...) and the postrouting must be after the app.use(...).

# Automating with CLI: the middleware flag

When running the chinchay new, you can pass a --middleware to automatically add the Middleware.hasAccess. You can read more on how to work with it in the documentation of the middleware flag.

# Token Encryption


This is VERY IMPORTANT: The token is a jsonwebtoken encrypted by the environment variable JWT_SECRET. You must define your own JWT_SECRET that must be kept confidential. If this variable is not defined, Chinchay will use a default secret, this will make your app prone to cyber-attacks.

# Token Expiration Date

By default the token will expire in 7 days since generated. However you can override this conduct by defining the TOKEN_EXPIRATION_WINDOW on the .chainfile, click here for more information.