# Overview

If you want to extend the class and add your own methods it is very easy! Here we are going to talk of how to add methods to your models that fit with your special needs!

# Creating custom methods

When the chinchay new command the following model is created:

const { Table } = require('chinchay');

class Coffee extends Table {
  constructor() {
    const tableName = 'coffee';

const instance = new Coffee();

module.exports = instance;

Let's assume we want to add a method called findByName, where it will return all the entries where the name matches the given input. We can easily add it at such:

const { Table } = require('chinchay');

class Coffee extends Table {
  constructor() {
    const tableName = 'coffee';

  findByName(name) {
    const search = { name };
    return super.find(search);

const instance = new Coffee();

module.exports = instance;

We have added a findByName method that parses the input to the search parameter and calls the find function.

Here another example:

const { Table } = require('chinchay');

class Coffee extends Table {
  constructor() {
    const tableName = 'coffee';

  expensive() {
    const search = { price: ['>', 100] };
    const options = { orderBy: 'price' };
    return super.find(search, 'all', options);

const instance = new Coffee();

module.exports = instance;

We have added an expensive method that will return all the coffee of a price higher than 100 ordered by price.

# Overwriting existing methods

You may want to overwrite existing methods to change some aspects. For instance, let's assume you have a users relation in the database. Where each user has a username and a password. When you findById you do not want to return the password property. Let's look at the example:

const { Table } = require('chinchay');

class Users extends Table {
  constructor() {
    const tableName = 'users';

  async findById(id, columns, options) {
    const result = await super.findById(id, columns, options);
    delete result.password;
    return result;

const instance = new Users();

module.exports = instance;

Here we are removing the password property before returning.